Writer's Workshop

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Welcome to the Writer's Workshop!  We are glad you decided to visit.  The workshop has something new every week.  We like to switch things up around here to keep the creativity going.  We focus on generating ideas, writing prompts and more.  There is also a weekly assignment, if you choose to accept.  A winner is choosen from the submissions and is posted on the workshop page.  Good Luck!

Prompt for the week of May 2, 2005:

Choose one word at random. Write down a type of flower.  Write down a human quality that you admire.  Now write three sentences using all three words in a sentence.  For a challenge, limit yourself three minutes.


Assignment For 05/02/05

Recall a time in your life when you judged something or some person without having all of the facts.  Write a piece either fiction or non fiction that explains what consequences arose from your premature judgement. 

Assignment Guidelines

1. Any assignment to be considered for judgement must be submitted to writersroom@1colony.com by the following Friday, no later then 12:00 am (eastern time).  Late submissions will not be judged, but may be mentioned in the soon to come Writer's Showcase.

2. All assignments to be considered for judgement must be no longer than 500 words.  Submissions of longer length will not be considered.

3. Submissions must be sent to writersroom@1colony.com . Each submission must include author's name or pen name, email address, and word count.

Have A Suggestion?
If you have a suggestion for the Writer's Workshop, then we would love to hear it!  Please email us at writersroom@1colony.com . Please include your name so we can give you credit for your idea.